7 common toilet cleaning mistakes to avoid
Keeping the washroom clean is a hands-on task. But it’s necessary to wipe down all surfaces, use quality disinfectants, and sanitize the area regularly to maintain good hygiene. Doing so will prevent transferring bacteria and germs from the toilet to other areas of the house. Cleaning the toilet seems straightforward enough. But here are 7 mistakes you might be making involuntarily and should avoid the next time you tackle this task. Forgetting to clean the toilet brush The tool designed to scrape off grime, gunk, and all the funky discoloration in a toilet also needs to be cleaned thoroughly after regular use. Not cleaning the brush leaves bacteria and viruses to harbor and transfer over to your hands the next time you pick it up. Wiping down surfaces immediately When you use a chemical base toilet cleaner, it is important to spray and allow the product to sit on the surface while the formula activates and does its job. Never wipe down the surface immediately after spraying it with the cleaning solution, as it will not be as effective. Using too many cleaning products Mixing cleaning products or repeatedly using them on the surface can cause the toilet bowl layer to erode and become discolored.
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